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Security and the Internet of Things - What you need to be worried about

So why worry about IoT Security?

In 2011 the number of devices connected to the internet surpassed the number of users. By 2020 there will be close to three times the number of devices connect to the internet as users. IoT provides a new frontier in terms of security challenges which CIOs and senior IT executives need to be considering when undertaking new IoT projects.

IoT Architectural Limitations which can Impact Your Security Strategy?

When connecting "Things" to the internet it needs to be understood that there are challenges in securing these systems that wouldn't be prevalent in traditional IT. Specifically...

- Light or no "Operation System" on the Thing

- Typically limited memory or CPU

- Limited Power resiliency and typically one source of power

- Heterogeneity in the Things that you are dealing with

- Many options in terms of platforms to choose

- Given the newness of the industry, many of the technologies are being produced by new market entrants with limited market resources.

New Modes of Cyber Security Attack within IoT which can impact your Security Strategy

In the world of IoT there are a number of new modes of attack and Cyber Security Issues which you've likely never considered before. For example...

- Physical Theft. Most of these devices are not sitting on your premises any more and are prone to theft

- Denial of Sleep. These are attacks where you are intentionally trying to trick an IoT Device(s) into using up all of their resources

- Thing Impersonation. This is where some hacker tries to imitated the response codes/ pathways your "Things" are following to get in behind your firewall

- Wireless Network Disruption. These things will typically dependent on wireless connections. Disrupting those connection can be an easy way to disrupt a lot of your capabilities

- Process Logic Corruption. Image your new car with an Autopilot where some hacker changes the process logic to cause the car not to stop when it senses a stop light.


If you see a future for IoT in your business (which you should be given all the market forecasts) then you need to consider the current security limitations of the IoT space and come up with a strategy to address them as you role out your new IoT projects. Otherwise you will get some nasty surprises in the future.

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