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Secure IoT Design Services: Securing the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things provides security challenges never seen before in IT. You need specialist IoT Security expertise to help you through these challenges.  We provide a variety of services from IoT Security Strategy Consulting to secure software and hardware design.

Creative Meeting

IoT Security Strategy

In IoT there are many new modes of attach that are novel to traditional IoT security.  These include Denial of Sleep, Thing Impersonation, Network Disruption, Data Cloning and many others.  How will you address these in your IoT design?  We can help you with this and with developing your overall IoT Security Strategy.

Computer Circuit Board Macro

Secure IoT Hardware Design

The challenge with most IoT devices is the need to be low cost.  How do you design security into a device that is supposed to be less $10 to $20 is value or more likely is being offered for free as part of some service to your customers.  We can help you come up with low cost but effective ways to improve the security of your IoT device.

Computer Tutorials

Secure IoT Platform Design

There are literally 100s of IoT Platforms out there to choose from.  It is estimated that by 2020 the average enterprise deploying IoT will have three to five different platforms in use. How do you deploy these platforms securely and integrate the effectively? We can help you ensure your IoT solution is safe and reliable.

Analyzing the Markets

IoT Technology Selection

Given the variety of technology platforms out there how do you decide between which technology.  We can help you by managing your technology selection process including providing independent advice into tender processes and product design.

Security Guard

IoT Risk Assessment

Unsure what vulnerabilities you may have with your IoT solution.  Let us do a review to identify potential security issues and potential privacy breaches.

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